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FunnelKit Review (Formerly WooFunnels) 2023

WooFunnels Review
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FunnelKit is a sales funnel builder and checkout solution for WordPress based on WooCommerce. It allows you to easily and quickly build proper sales funnels using your favorite page builder.

FunnelKit Pros
100% based in WordPress & WooCommerce (no 3rd party apps!)
Easy to use funnel creation wizard
1-click Import of conversion optimized sales funnel & checkout templates
Deep integration with your favorite page builders (Elementor, Divi, etc.)
1-click upsells, downsells, order bumps, free plus shipping, you name it!
Cart abandonment features (instant coupons, flash sale emails, etc.)
Built-in WordPress based automation engine and lightweight CRM(!)
Lots of integrations with other apps and CRMs via WooCommerce, Webhook, API
Lightweight WordPress-based CRM included on Pro plan!
Written with clean, well documented, object oriented code
Highly extensible, developer friendly, and GPL
Development team aggressively rolls out ambitious new features
Fantastic support
FunnelKit Cons
You have to sign up for the $499/year plan to get Autonami CRM, may be expensive for some
Since it’s WordPress based, you have to maintain your site, update it, keep it secure, etc.
Installing a suite of plugins like WooCommerce, FunnelKit, page builders, etc, could negatively impact speed and performance on your site and increase potential for plugin conflicts
A lot you can do with a powerful tool like this, might create overwhelm / analysis paralysi
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Ease of Use


FunnelKit is fairly easy to use. It’s mostly drag and drop and also integrates with your favorite page builders.

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Price / Value


The price of FunnelKit is very reasonable considering the crazy amount of value you get. There are 3 tiers of pricing based on what you need.

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You get top notch support from the FunnelKit team. You can also find their passionate founder, Daman Jeet actively interacting and helping members in the FunnelKit Facebook group.

Do you want to set up gorgeous, conversion optimized sales funnels and checkout pages directly inside of your WordPress site and skyrocket your sales and average order value (AOV)?

Of course you do! ????

In this review of the FunnelKit plugin suite you’re going to learn about what I believe is the hottest tool of 2023 for replacing your old (and expensive) online shopping cart software.

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Best of all, the entire suite of tools lives directly in WordPress and is 100% based on WooCommerce.

This gives you total control over the look and feel of your funnel and checkout experience.

What is FunnelKit?

The FunnelKit suite is a collection of several WordPress plugins by XLPlugins that work in conjunction with the #1 WordPress-based shopping cart platform in the world, WooCommerce.

FunnelKit basically extends and improves the functionality of WooCommerce and allows you to set up fully functional, conversion and mobile optimized sales funnels right inside of WordPress.

You can easily set up upsells, downsells, order bumps, and more—all using easy templates and wizards.

The result is a professional shopping cart and funnel that converts!

Build WooCommerce sales funnels with ease

Of the funnel builders that my team and I have worked with, FunnelKit is the most advanced and easiest to use—by a long shot.

Just a few short years ago, building a proper WooCommerce funnel required an expensive combination of plugins and custom coding.

But FunnelKit basically gives you a funnel and checkout builder in a box and makes this previously complicated process incredibly simple.

Funnel Kit Features


Aero Checkout is XLPlugins’s checkout page plugin.

It replaces the default WooCommerce checkout look and feel with beautiful, mobile responsive and conversion optimized checkout page options.

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AeroCheckout includes an intuitive checkout page builder that uses the default WordPress customizer and doesn’t require any additional tools.

However, if you’re already using a page builder like Divi or Elementor, Aero gives you access to a template library where you can download great looking checkout page templates and customize them directly in your favorite builder!

Order Bumps

Do you want to add a “no brainer” upsell directly into your checkout page and increase your average order value (AOV)?

If so, order bumps are going to rock your world.

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This is a great example of an order bump. It’s low cost and easy to say yes to.

There’s testimonial after testimonial in the FunnelKit Facebook group of members who have added bumps to their checkout and have seen their average order value spike.

It’s not uncommon to see an increase of up to 50% in average order value by implementing bumps, upsells and downsells.

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What would 50% more revenue mean to your business…?


Upstroke lets you easily add one click upsells to your sales funnels.

What many people don’t realize, especially in the membership site space, is that you can maximize order value simply by making your customers more offers.

1-click upsells are the perfect way to do this.

Once your customer purchases your front end offer (and possibly also the order bump), you can then present them with a valuable 1-click upsell offer.

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Best of all, with Upstroke your customers won’t have to re-enter their payment information again!

If they take the offer, their payment method will automatically be charged and they’ll get access to the product.

If they decline the offer, no harm done—they’ll just proceed to the next step of the funnel.

You can string together a whole series of upsells and downsells to make sure that your customers buy as much valuable product from you as possible.

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Of course, it’s possible to go overboard with this.

But in my experience, the overwhelming majority of folks are actually too conservative with their funnel rather than to aggressive (if they even have one).

No matter what your niche is or what you sell, you can increase revenue quite a lot by simply making more offers more frequently.

And there’s no better time to do so than when your customer has his credit card out already.

Autonami CRM

As if all the awesome features you just read about weren’t enough, the FunnelKit team also gives you access to their internal automation & rules engine and lightweight CRM, Autonami.

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The CRM component of Autonami is kind of like a mini ActiveCampaign directly inside of WordPress.

Sure, it’s not a full blown, dedicated CRM.

But it’ll let you do the most important actions that your email marketing and automation tool would let you do, like:

– Add tags to contact profiles
– Define and use custom fields
– Trigger automations
– Send email broadcasts to “lists”
– Segment your contacts

Additionally, Autonami acts as a sort of “internal Zapier” that allows you to set triggers and resulting actions based on user behavior.

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For example, if somebody cancels their subscription you can get an email notification telling you to personally reach out to them and try to save the sale (or at least find out why they unsubscribed).

Or you can automate entire sequences of behaviors within your WordPress stack.

You can also have Autonami follow up automatically with your prospects and customers based on their cart behavior.

Want to send out an automatic discounted coupon to an abandoned cart visitor?

Easy peezy. Just set up the triggers and actions and Autonami does the rest.

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg, it would take forever to detail all of the amazing stuff you can do with this tool.

And of course, Autonami will also hook into your 3rd party apps like Zapier, ActiveCampaign, etc.

Basically, this plugin makes it easy to automate internal WordPress actions that shouldn’t require creating a million zaps, while also connecting to your broader tech stack for more universal activities.

There’s even a free version of Autonami available in the WordPress repository.

FunnelKit Pricing

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Depending on the tier you select (solopreneur or agency) you’ll get access to the funnel builder and/or the automations engine.

The Funnel Builder + Automations bundle is definitely the best value, costing only $239/year to get access to everything in the product suite.

The CRM and automations engine alone will save you from having to pay for a separate email marketing tool, Zapier, etc.

FunnelKit coupon discount

FunnelKit often runs promotions.

So head over to the FunnelKit website to see what coupon code and discounts are currently available.

FunnelKit Alternatives

CartFlows vs FunnelKit

CartFlows is a collaboration project between Adam Preiser from WPCrafter and Sujay Pawar (Brainstorm Force, e.g. Elementor).

Much like FunnelKit, CartFlows is a WordPress-based funnels creation plugin.

It’s probably the most well known of their competitors and certainly the most hyped.

However, in my experience FunnelKit is a more complete and higher quality product.

When my team and I tried to implement CartFlows for one of our customers it was an awkward process that we eventually had to abandon in favor of FunnelKit because it simply couldn’t do what we needed in an intuitive way.

On the support side, I’ve come across numerous reports of rude / subpar support experiences.

There are also a few former Cartflows customers who have complained about being cursorily banned from the CartFlows Inner Circle Facebook group for raising certain kinds of questions, mentioning competitors, etc.

To be clear, I don’t know how much truth there is in these reports because I’ve never personally experienced any issues with CartFlows support.

But I do know that Daman in the FunnelKit Facebook group doesn’t censor any posts or comments and is always very eager to help anybody who posts a question or concern, even if it challenges him or his product.

In sum, CartFlows is a promising solution but it looks like they have some work to do if they want to catch up to FunnelKit.

Launchflows vs FunnelKit

My team and I have never worked with Launchflows, and we have a policy that we don’t speak on topics we don’t have direct personal experience with.

From looking at the sales page and documentation, LaunchFlows looks like a promising product.

However, they don’t seem to have anywhere near the abundance of features and functionality that FunnelKit currently offers.

ThriveCart vs FunnelKit

We’ve been using ThriveCart in our business for several years.

It’s a fantastic shopping cart and funnel builder and it’s easy to work with, which is important.

But as our business grew and our needs became more specific, we found that we needed the flexibility offered by the open source ecosystem of WordPress and WooCommerce.

For example, with FunnelKit you can integrate a TON of different payment processors.

We use Stripe but we’re also exploring other payment processors with lower fees so we now have that option.

FunnelKit also allows us to connect with virtually any 3rd party tool, run in-house automations, utilize WooCommerce’s awesome API, and ultimately own our tech, our workflows and our data.

So we’ve started the transition away from ThriveCart to FunnelKit and so far the process is going smoothly.

The main benefit of using a WooCommerce based stack for your shopping cart and funnel builder is that you’re not dependent on a 3rd party (i.e. ThriveCart) to build the features that you need for YOUR business.

Many of our customers were annoyed when ThriveCart released their checkout page designer whilst the MemberPress integration continued to not work, and while the Zapier application consistently misfired.

Your priorities don’t always align with those of the vendor.

But if you own your tech and it’s based in WordPress, you can get the features you need without waiting for them.

More likely than not, somebody already made a WooCommerce plugin to do whatever you want (like the anti-chargeback and anti-fraud integration for Stripe using Kount plugin for WooCommerce that we developed.)

And failing that, you can always work with us and we’ll build you whatever you need! 🙂

Is FunnelKit Worth it?

FunnelKit is an amazing plugin suite that’s developed by an excellent dev shop with 5-star support. It’s build directly on top of WooCommerce so you have ultimate control and flexibility of your tech.

The pricing is very reasonable for the epic value you get in return. If you’re just starting out the cost might be a bit steep for you. But if you’re already making money, an investment in FunnelKit is going to pay for itself 10x over.

FunnelKit Review 2023
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Product Name: FunnelKit

Product Description: FunnelKit is your complete WordPress based funnel builder and shopping cart that works on top of WooCommerce.

Offer price: 199

Learn more about FunnelKit

User Review
5 (1 vote)

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March 31, 2021 9:10 pm

Hi, how can I get the discount offered forWooFunnels?