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Update customer records in Airtable based on ThriveCart purchases

Airtable record updates based on ThriveCart purchases


In our previous article, we have shown how to create an account in FreshDesk and send an activation email to bring this account live automatically.

But along with having accounts in Freshdesk we also maintain our database in Airtable for different purposes like time tracking, accounting, etc.

And this is data that should get updated automatically as well.

In this article you’ll learn exactly how we do that and how you can do it too!


 What you will need

1 – Airtable

2 – Zapier with Pro plan to be able to run multiple actions in a single Zap

Setting up the Zapier automation

As our customers subscribe we are adding the required data to our Airtable database (or updating the existing records) automatically.

This is handled by Zapier:

1 – Login to your Zapier account

2 – Create an automation selecting any event that you’d like to use as a trigger (in our case it is a ThriveCart purchase event)

3 – Create a new step and select Airtable as the application

4 – Select your Airtable account

5 – Choose Action Event – ‘Find Record’

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We need to search for a record first to be able to update already existing records (if any) for the customers that are already in the database.

6 – Choose your Airtable account in Zapier

7 – Fill up the Customize Record section in the next step with the required Base and Table. Take the email address to search from your Trigger event:

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This will allow you to search for a record you need to update, but we also need to create the record if it does not exist.

8 – Enable checkbox saying: “Create Airtable Record if it doesn’t exist yet?”

9 – Select the data from your Trigger event that you want to add to the record:

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In this case, if no record has been found  – the new one will be created with the data that you have selected.

10 – Create a new step and select Airtable as the application again

11 – Choose Action Event – ‘Update Record’

12 – Select your Airtable account

13 – In Customize Record section select required Base and Table

14 – For the Record field a dropdown list will open when you click it.

You will need to select an Airtable record ID from Find the record in Airtable step (in our case it is option 3 in the list):

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15 – Fill up the rest of the fields with the data from Trigger event as you would like them to appear in your table.

16 – Hit ‘Done Editing’ and activate your Zap!

Congratulations! Now your Airtable database will be automatically updated when any new or returning customer is making a purchase. 


Setting up this automation will allow you to save a lot of time on accounts management freeing time for more important things.

In our next article, I’ll show how to automatically manage payments and account balances for your clients using Zapier and Airtable!

Now let’s hear from you!

How are you managing your customer’s database?

Tell us your experience in the comments section below!

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Article Title: How to update customer records in Airtable based on Thrive purchases

Short Description: Tired to manage your customer's database manually? Let's automate this! Click here to read our comprehensive tutorial!

Author: Viktor Nadeyin

Publisher - Orgnization: MemberFix

Publisher Logo: mermberfix logo x200 1 - Update customer records in Airtable based on ThriveCart purchases

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