Thrive Apprentice works great together with the MemberMouse membership plugin.
You can protect your courses and sell them with MemberMouse and use all of the beautiful features that Thrive Apprentice provides to provide a true course taking experience.
One of these beautiful features is the “Restriction Label”, which is an indicator that the course is available for purchase.
But the problem is that this label will always be visible to the user, even if the user has purchased the course via MemberMouse. Thrive Apprenctice has no way of knowing that somebody purchased a product through MemberMouse so it serves the label regardless of whether or not the course has actually been purchased. Naturally, this creates confusion for the member.
Unfortunately, Thrive Apprentice does not directly integrate with MemberMouse in this particular aspect. And so it doesn't provide us with an option to simply hide the label based on what the member has purchased.
But we've come up with a nifty custom solution to work around this problem, which I'm going to share with you in this article!
Table of Contents
Before we get started, let's make sure we have all the required items:
- Thrive Apprentice (Version 2.1.3 or above).
Get Thrive Apprentice - MemberMouse Platform (Version 2.2.8 or above).
Get MemberMouse
Please do not proceed with this solution if you do not have both of these plugins as it might break your site if you don't have them.
Also I'm going to assume that you have protected your Thrive Apprentice courses with a MemberMouse Membership level or Bundle. If not, please do that first.
Important notice
It is highly recommended to first backup all your WordPress files before making any changes to them.
Replace the template file code
First we will need to locate the original Course List Template file which is found inside the Thrive Apprentice plugin directory.
To do that we'll need to have access to the WordPress files. There are many ways to edit WordPress files but the most common 3 ways are:
- File Transfer Protocol (FTP or SFTP).
- cPanel File Manager (Found on most Hosting providers).
- File Manager (WordPress plugin).
In this Article I'll use File Manger WordPress Plugin because it is the easiest approach and available to all WordPress users. But if you are an advanced developer then I recommend using FTP or cPanel instead.
Install File Manger plugin
If you don't want to use WordPress File Manager Plugin then you can skip this step.
- From your WordPress Dashboard, navigate to Plugins => Add New.
- Search for “File Manager”.
- Click the button Install Now next to File Manager plugin.
- Wait for the installation to finish and click Activate.
Locating template file
When inside your WordPress directory follow this route to locate course-list.php File:
wp-content / plugins / thrive-apprentice / templates / template_1
After you've located course-list.php file, right click on it and select Code Editor.
A code editor should pop up. Delete everything inside the code editor, then copy and paste this code inside:
Make sure you copy ALL of the code above or it might break your site.
Now click the button “Save & Close”.
Go and check if it's working. Log in as one of the members that have a particular course purchased to see if the label is gone for that course. Then try viewing it as a member that has not purchased the course yet and see if the label is there.
If it's not working try clearing your website cache and your browser cache. If that doesn't help then make sure you pasted the correct code inside course-list.php file and try again.
(I apologize for the blurred parts; this is to protect our customer's privacy.)
With this feature, your users will no longer get confused and they'll know which course they haven't purchased yet because the label will only appear on those courses they do not have access to!
Thanks for this post. I don’t see any code under the section ‘A code editor should pop up. Delete everything inside the code editor, then copy and paste this code inside:’
Can you kindly share the code again?
I just checked and the code is visible in this post but maybe your browser has an issue with the embed from Pastebin. Here’s the raw code:
simply add this to your custom CSS
.tva-list-of-courses .tva-courses-container .tva-course-card-header .tva_members_only{
visibility: hidden !important;