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How To Add WooCommerce Buyers To An ActiveCampaign List

How To Add WooCommerce Buyers To An ActiveCampaign List


If you’re using ActiveCampaign with the Deep Data integration, all users get added to your default contact list.

But maybe you want to add them to a custom list instead.

Doing this manually would take a lot of time, so let’s find out how to do it automatically.

What You’ll Need

1 – WooCommerce – the best WordPress checkout and ecommerce solution (also great for membership sites)

2 – ActiveCampaign – our favorite email marketing and automation app.

How to Add WooCommerce Buyers To An ActiveCampaign List, Step By Step

1. Go to the Automations tab.
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2. Click on the “Create an automation” button.

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3. Choose “Start from scratch” and click the “Continue” button.

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4. Then we need to choose a Start Trigger.

All users imported from WooCommerce get the “woocommerce-customer” tag by default.

So we can use it to separate them from other users.

So choose the “Tag is added” trigger and click “Continue”.

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5. Type “woocommerce-customer” into the Tag field, and if you are not planing to move this user from list to list, choose “Once” in the Runs option field.

Otherwise, you can choose “Multiple times”.

Then click “Add start”.

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6. After that choose the “Subscribe” action.

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7. Choose the list where you want to add your Woocommerce users and click “Save”.

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 8. In the end you need to name your automation and set it to active by clicking the “Active” button in the upper-right hand corner of the Automations screen.

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You’re all done!

If you have any questions leave your comments below.

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