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Episode 15: Matt Schmitt on Solving Your Market’s Problems for Fun and Profit

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Matt Schmitt on Solving Your Markets Problems for Fun and Profit

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matt schmitt - Episode 15: Matt Schmitt on Solving Your Market's Problems for Fun and Profit

Welcome to another scintillating episode of the Membership Site Success podcast with today’s guest, Matt Schmitt!

Matt broke into the online biz space by selling t-shirts.

In the process he learned to scale campaigns via paid advertising through Facebook ads.

Matt then went on to identify needs and wants in the markets he operated in, and created eCommerce stores and products around those desires.

Matt’s #1 Online Business Tip:

Take your emotions out of product/niche selection and let the market tell you what they want by voting with their cash.

In other words, don’t assume you think something is going to work because it sounds awesome to you – the market has to validate it with actual sales.

Apropos to our show, Matt also sells several courses on how to do Facebook ads, how to sell t-shirts online, how to build successful eComm stores and how to scale these businesses to the 6 and 7 figure mark, and beyond!

Matt’s flagship product is a membership site called Physical Product System (which I help to manage via my unlimited membership site support service, MemberFix).

Mentioned On The Show

Teespring – Create your own t-shirts and sell them online. Teespring does all the fulfillment. Many people have earned 6 figures just by running Facebook ads to Teespring campaigns.

Physical Product System – Matt’s flagship product; a membership site on how to build a successful eCommerce store and scale it up via Facebook ads.

PiScaled – Matt’s wildly popular course on selling t-shirts.

AI Targeting System – Matt’s online course on using Facebook ads to scale all sorts of campaigns, from t-shirts to your eCommerce stores.

Slack – A free online chat tool for teams. Also a great platform to run a private membership group.

GearBubble – Create and sell merchandise with zero up-front cost. Owned by Matt’s mentor, Don Wilson.

Fiverr – Get various tasks done starting at $5. Matt uses Fiverr for t-shirt designs.

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