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Troubleshooting common MemberPress and Stripe integration problems


Stripe integrations can get complicated.

So even when you have a pre-made solution, such as the one MemberPress provides, you should set everything correctly to avoid any payment issues.

But sometimes, even when you’ve seemingly done everything right, your members’ payments can start working in a strange way.

For example, they start getting multiple subscriptions.

Or sometimes payments just stop going through for no apparent reason.

In such cases, you need to systematically check the most common configuration mistakes.

In this article you’ll learn how we troubleshoot these issues for our customers and how you can do the same for yourself!


To go through all advice you need to get access to:

Be careful! All plugin updates should be done on a staging website first to be sure that your changes won’t negatively impact your live website and members. When you create a staging website or a clone you MUST disable all email notifications and webhooks! Read this guide from MemberPress on how to correctly create a staging site.

If you’re worried you’ll mess something up or you just don’t feel like doing this yourself, click here to reach out to us—we’ll help you out! 🙂

Check if all WordPress plugins are updated

Sometimes un-updated WordPress plugins can use some deprecated functions or classes that can conflict with Stripe webhooks.

So all plugins have to be updated to avoid such problems.

Note: you always want to do a full backup before updates, run some regression testing, and do this all on a staging site.

So to update the plugins you need to:

1 – Check the plugins sections in the WP admin panel

image 1 - Troubleshooting common MemberPress and Stripe integration problems

2 – If you see the red circle with a number – you have plugins that have to be updated.

Click on it:

image 2 - Troubleshooting common MemberPress and Stripe integration problems

3 – Find the plugin with the “There is a new version of…” message and click on the “Update now” link:

image 3 1024x77 - Troubleshooting common MemberPress and Stripe integration problems

4 – If you see an “Updated” message – everything is fine and you can do it with other plugins.

image 4 1024x72 - Troubleshooting common MemberPress and Stripe integration problems

Check if there is custom code in functions.php

1 – Go to Appearance -> Theme File Editor section:

image 5 - Troubleshooting common MemberPress and Stripe integration problems

2 – Click on the functions.php in the right side bar:

image 6 - Troubleshooting common MemberPress and Stripe integration problems

3 – Press Ctrl+F key combination and search for a “Stripe” or “str” query.

image 7 1024x148 - Troubleshooting common MemberPress and Stripe integration problems

4 – If you find any script and you can try to comment it out (basically, this deactivates it without deleting it).

Mark all lines of the script and press Ctrl+? key combination.

If everything is correct you will see it in another color and with “//” in the start of each line.

If you want to manually comment out a particular line of code, all you need to do is place “//” (without the quotes) at the start of that line.

image 8 1024x488 - Troubleshooting common MemberPress and Stripe integration problems

5 – Click on the “Update File” button at the bottom of the screen:

image 9 - Troubleshooting common MemberPress and Stripe integration problems

6 – After that, you need to check the issue you had.

If it’s fixed, it means that the script is causing a conflict with MemberPress.

If not, just mark all lines of the script and press Ctrl+? key combination to uncomment the script.

The custom script can be added to other PHP files and if you don’t know where it can be you need to scan the website.

So don’t hesitate and contact us to do it.

Check if plugins are conflicting with MemberPress

1 – Go to the plugins sections in the WP admin panel

image 1 - Troubleshooting common MemberPress and Stripe integration problems

2 – Click on the checkbox at the top of the plugin table

image 10 1024x222 - Troubleshooting common MemberPress and Stripe integration problems

3 Uncheck the MemberPress plugin

image 11 1024x442 - Troubleshooting common MemberPress and Stripe integration problems

4 – Choose the “Deactivate: option in the “Bulk action” field:

image 12 - Troubleshooting common MemberPress and Stripe integration problems

5 – And click on the “Apply” button.

image 14 - Troubleshooting common MemberPress and Stripe integration problems

6 – All plugins except MemberPress are deactivated now, so you can test your issue.

If it was fixed, that means some plugins cause the conflict so you need to activate plugins one by one and check the issue to find the plugin that caused this problem.

If not, you need to activate all plugins again and continue searching for the source of the bug.

Need help troubleshooting MemberPress and Stripe issues

We’ve got loads of experience identifying and fixing various MemberPress and Stripe integration issues.

If you’d like us to help you out of a jam, just fill out and submit the form below and we’ll be delighted to assist!

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Risto Karaivanov
April 9, 2023 8:28 am

Such a great tutorial! Thanks! 🙂

Risto Karaivanov
Reply to  Risto Karaivanov
April 9, 2023 8:28 am

Test 2

Risto Test
Risto Test
Reply to  Risto Karaivanov
April 9, 2023 8:29 am

Test 3