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Automatically send Zoom recordings to Airtable

Automatically send Zoom recordings to Airtable

Organizing your Zoom recordings = annoying chore? 

If you use Zoom for your video calls, you’ve probably noticed that organizing, naming, sorting and finding them is a hassle.

What if you could have all your Zoom recording info in one tidy place with the ability to tag calls by type, participants, date, link to the recording, etc.?

Airtable is the ideal solution for this.

But you definitely don’t want to manually enter your Zoom recording data into your Airtable base.

So we decided to automate the process using a Zapier zap.

And now you can steal the automation from us using the step by step guide below . 🙂

When you’re done setting this up, all you’ll have to do is record your Zoom calls to the cloud and the automation will place all your recordings into Airtable for you and your team’s convenience. Airtable calls 1024x411 - Automatically send Zoom recordings to Airtable

What you’ll need

1 – Zoom – awesome video conferencing app we use daily here at MemberFix.

2 – Zapier – you’ll need a paid Zapier account in order to use multi-step zaps (or, we can host this Zap for you).

2 – Google Drive – this is where your Zoom recordings will automatically get sent. Any cloud storage solution will work (Dropbox, etc.)

3 – Airtable (optional) – If you want to organize your library of recordings, tag them, add notes, etc., you can do so with Airtable. I’ll show you how we do it here at MemberFix.

How to automatically upload your Zoom cloud recordings to Google Drive

Configure Google Drive upload folder

1 – Create a folder in your Google Drive 

2 – We’ll call our folder “Calls”.

Configure Airtable base

(This step is optional).

1 – Create a table in your Airtable base called “Calls”.

This is where you’ll find a listing of all of your calls. 

2 – Add the following fields:

Date: the date of the call .

Caller: who on your team was on the call.

Notes: this is where you can add notes about the call.

Recording: this is where you can find the Google Drive link to the call recording.

Screenshot 1 1 - Automatically send Zoom recordings to Airtable

Configure your Zap

Now you’ll will learn how to set up your zap.

If you don’t have a paid Zapier account, we can host this Zap for you instead.

You can find the basic integration between Google Drive and Airtable here.

Configure Google Drive as the Trigger App

Use the following settings:

1 – Choose App and event: Google Drive

2 – Trigger event: New file in the folder

Screenshot 2 1 - Automatically send Zoom recordings to Airtable

3 – Google Drive account – log in using the Google Drive account where you have created the Calls folder

Screenshot 3 1 - Automatically send Zoom recordings to Airtable

Set up Google Drive trigger app

1 – Drive: select Google Drive you chose one step behind

2 – Folder: look after the “Calls” folder

Screenshot 4 1 - Automatically send Zoom recordings to Airtable

3 – Test your trigger

If you already have a file in the Calls folder, then the Zap will work, confirming that it has found a file. 

If not, manually add one video or document file so you can be sure that the trigger will work properly.


Screenshot 5 - Automatically send Zoom recordings to Airtable

Configure action step to upload files in Airtable

Now you need to configure the Zap to create new records in Airtable.

1 – Choose App and event: Airtable

2 – Action event: Create Record

Screenshot 6 1 - Automatically send Zoom recordings to Airtable

3 – Airtable account: log in with the email address you have used for your Airtable database, where the “Calls” table can be found

Screenshot 7 1 - Automatically send Zoom recordings to Airtable

Set up action app

Here you will find all columns from the “Calls” table in Airtable, both hidden and visible.

You can choose which fields you want to be populated and how you want it to look.

  • Base: select your Airtable base, the sane from the previous steps
  • Table: select the “Calls” table
  • Date: select the metadata “Created date” Google Drive in step 1 (this is the date when the video was uploaded to Google Drive)
  • Topic: select the metadata “Title” from Google Drive in step 1 (this is the title of the file that is uploaded to Google Drive)
  • Caller: select the metadata “Last modifying user name” from Google Drive in step 1 (this is the person who uploads the file to Google Drive)
  • Recording: select the metadata “Alternate Link” from Google Drive in step 1 (this is the sharing link of the file uploaded to Google Drive)

Screenshot 8 1 - Automatically send Zoom recordings to Airtable

Test action app

If everything works fine, the Zap should give you the below confirmation. If you don’t like the output, feel free to return to change what you don’t think fits.

Screenshot 9 - Automatically send Zoom recordings to Airtable

Optional steps

Our data was already formatted in the previous article. Therefore, as this step wasn’t done here, we can add some optional steps, depending on your preferences.

Zapier offers a lot of events you can choose from:  

  • Filter: only continue the Zap if X or Y condition is met
  • Formatter: format a date or a number
  • Email: you can get an e-mail every time a call is uploaded in Google Drive
  • URL shortener: use this to shorten your sharable link from Google Drive 

As an example, let’s say we want to shorten the link that appears in Airtable (column “Recording”).

Add a new action right after you have configured the trigger (New file in Google Drive) and search after “Shorten URL”.

Configure Shorten URL

Choose App and event:

  • Choose App and event: URL shorten by Zapier
  • Action event: Shorten URL 

Screenshot 10 1 - Automatically send Zoom recordings to Airtable

Set up action

  • URL: select “Alternate URL” from Google Drive

Shorten URL - Automatically send Zoom recordings to Airtable

Test action

Zap will give you confirmation that everything worked fine. It will also offer you an output of how the URL will look like. 

Screenshot 11.PNG - Automatically send Zoom recordings to Airtable

Don’t forget to update whatever changes you are making to the Zap. 

In our example, don’t forget to change the “Recording” URL from “Configure action step to upload files in Airtable”.

Instead of choosing “Alternative URL” in the Recording field, change it to the short URL from Shorten URL.

Change Shorten URL - Automatically send Zoom recordings to Airtable

Testing that everything works

After you have turned on your Zap, let’s test if it’s working. 

1 – Upload a video/document to the Google Drive folder called “Calls”;

2 – Wait a few minutes until the file is getting uploaded;

3 – Open Airtable and go to the table “Calls”;

4 – Check for new records and if the information is correct;

5 – All done 🙂

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