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How To Update ActiveCampaign Users On WooCommerce Subscription Changes

How To Update ActiveCampaign Users On WooCommerce Subscription Changes


Do you have a WooCommerce website connected to ActiveCampaign?

Do you often need to update tags, remove tags, and move subscribers between lists?

If so, keep reading because you’re going to learn how to do that in this article. 🙂

What You’ll Need For This Tutorial

1 – WooCommerce – eCommerce plugin for WordPress.

2 – ActiveCampaign – our preferred email marketing solution.

3 – WP Fusion – Amazing WordPress plugin that connects your apps to your CRM. 

Using WP Fusion to Manage ActiveCampaign Tags for WooCommerce

1 – First of all, you need to set up WP Fusion.

2 – WP Fusion has a free version and a paid version which you can learn about on their website

3 – Install and activate the plugin.

Then go to settings -> WPFusion. Choose ‘Active Campaign’ from the ‘Select Your CRM list’.

Next, we need to insert “Your API URL” and your “API Key”.

To find it login to your ActiveCampaign account and go to Settings -> Developer tab.

Screenshot 42 1024x449 - How To Update ActiveCampaign Users On WooCommerce Subscription Changes

Copy the API URL and paste it into the API URL field in WPFusion. You can found the API Key directly below the API URL. Copy it and paste into API key field in WPFusion.

Screenshot 43 1024x419 - How To Update ActiveCampaign Users On WooCommerce Subscription Changes

4 – Go to Woocommerce -> Memberships -> Membership Plans and select the membership you want to configure.

5 – There you need to choose the WP Fusion tab and set up the tags you want to use.

Active – tags you want to set up for subscribers with active membership;

Complimentary – tags you want to set for subscribers whose membership wasn’t paid;

Pause – tags you want to set up for subscribers who paused his subscription;

Expired – tags you want to set up for subscribers whose membership has been expired.

Cancelled – tags you want to set up for subscribers who cancelled his subscription;

Screenshot 31 1024x641 - How To Update ActiveCampaign Users On WooCommerce Subscription Changes

6 – Then we go to the Active Campaign dashboard and choose Automations:

1Add woocommerce user to custom AC list 132x300 - How To Update ActiveCampaign Users On WooCommerce Subscription Changes

7 – Click on the “Start from Scratch” option

3Add woocommerce user to custom AC list - How To Update ActiveCampaign Users On WooCommerce Subscription Changes

8 – Choose the “Tag is added” Start Trigger and click “Continue”:

4Add woocommerce user to custom AC list - How To Update ActiveCampaign Users On WooCommerce Subscription Changes

9 – Type the tag you used in WP Fusion in “Active” field and click “Add Start”:

Screenshot 32 - How To Update ActiveCampaign Users On WooCommerce Subscription Changes

10 – Now we need to remove the tags we added manually before.

Choose the “Remove a tag” action:

Screenshot 33 - How To Update ActiveCampaign Users On WooCommerce Subscription Changes

11 – Choose the name of the tag you want to remove and click “Save”:

Screenshot 34 300x155 - How To Update ActiveCampaign Users On WooCommerce Subscription Changes

12 – After that, we need to remove the user from the list (or lists) he is on now.

Click on the “+” icon to add the next action:

Screenshot 35 300x245 - How To Update ActiveCampaign Users On WooCommerce Subscription Changes

13 – Choose the “Unsubscribe” option:

Screenshot 36 - How To Update ActiveCampaign Users On WooCommerce Subscription Changes

14 – Choose the list you want to remove the user from or “Unsubscribe from all lists” option to remove the user from all lists and click “Save”:

Screenshot 37 300x160 - How To Update ActiveCampaign Users On WooCommerce Subscription Changes

15 – Then we need to subscribe the user to the list of your choice.

Click on the “+” icon and choose the “Subscribe” option:

Screenshot 38 - How To Update ActiveCampaign Users On WooCommerce Subscription Changes

16 – Choose the list you want to place the user on and click “Save”:

Screenshot 39 300x156 - How To Update ActiveCampaign Users On WooCommerce Subscription Changes

17 – You’ve finished configuring all of the steps.

Now you need to name your automation:

Screenshot 40 - How To Update ActiveCampaign Users On WooCommerce Subscription Changes

18 – And activate it, clicking on the “Active” button:

Screenshot 41 - How To Update ActiveCampaign Users On WooCommerce Subscription Changes

That’s all!

If you have any questions leave your comments below.

Now let’s hear from you!

Are you using Active Campaign automations?

Tell us in what cases in the comments section below!

What do you think of this tutorial?

Book Title: Updating Active Campaign users when Woocommerce subscription status changes

Book Description: Learn how to use WP Fusion and Active Campaign automation for managing tags and replacing users between tables

Book Author: Victor Barannik

Publisher - Orgnization: MemberFix

Publisher Logo: mermberfix logo x200 1 150x54 - How To Update ActiveCampaign Users On WooCommerce Subscription Changes

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