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Migrate Content Protections From Digital Access Pass (DAP) to WP Fusion

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Migrating From Digital Access Pass (DAP) to WP Fusion?

There are two main ways you can protect your content with WP Fusion as you migrate away from DAP.

The first way is to protect your content directly using just WP Fusion without a membership plugin.

I don't generally recommend this method because you'll end up with a mess of tags and automations in your CRM and poor visibility about your members in WordPress. 

This brings us to the second—and better—way of protecting your membership content: with a solid membership plugin.

We've helped several customers migrate from DAP to MemberPress but you can use whichever membership plugin you prefer.

In either case, you may want to create tags in your CRM that correspond to your DAP membership levels in order to make the migration easier.

With our new plugin—Protect content from DAP to WP Fusion—you can do just that in three clicks!

This plugin will generate tags in your CRM based on your DAP membership levels AND protect all of your content using those tags, which essentially replicates your current DAP content protection scheme.

And you don't need to worry about adding tags to each page, post or, custom post type one by one, because our plugin will do that for you. 🙂

Requirements to use this plugin

1 – WP Fusion plugin (lite or PRO version)

2 – An email marketing / CRM like ActiveCampaign (our preference)

Why Did We Develop The “Protect Your Content from DAP to WP Fusion” Plugin?

We get a growing number of customers who want to move from Digital Access Pass (DAP) to a better membership plugin.

In many cases, customers want to protect their content with WP Fusion.

WP Fusion, in turn, is connected with a CRM platform like ActiveCampain, ConvertKit, Salesforce, HubSpot, etc.

And we wanted to provide our customers with a way of transferring tags and content protection programmatically instead of doing it all manually.

What problems can you avoid by using the “Protect content from DAP to WP Fusion” plugin?

After you've connected your CRM with WP Fusion you can start by adding tags to all of the content that you want to protect, right…?


Problem #1 – Do you want to spend hours of your time manually adding WP Fusion tags to hundreds of pages and posts?

Problem #2 – Do you want to risk accidentally adding the wrong tag(s) to your pages as a result of relying on your own accuracy?

Problem number 3 – Do you want to get lost when you take a break and come back trying to figure out where the heck you left off…?

If you don't want to deal with these issues then this plugin will save you a headache or two! 🙂

How does the plugin work?

Before you start please backup your database.

Here’s a short video explanation that shows how to install and use this plugin, and below it is a text version if you prefer:

1 – Install the plugin by uploading the .zip file in WordPress => Plugins => Add New.

2 – Activate the plugin.

3 – In the WordPress => Settings tab you'll see the new option that says “WPF Protect content”:

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Click on the WPF Protect content link.

4 – You'll see the following screen:

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Here we have only two settings that we need to configure:

Setting #1 – Here we will see the list of all our post types (posts and pages are default) and custom post types (in our screenshot above, for instance, “projects” is a custom post type).

Select the post types that you want to protect with WP Fusion tags.


If you have some pages that are protected by DAP and you also have some projects that are protected by DAP, then you would select both the pages and projects options.

After you select the post types you want, click on the button Prepare content.

That button will run a process in the background to find all of the content that needs to be protected.

Setting #2 – In this step, you just need to click on the button Add tags to your content and the process will start.

After the process starts you will see a progress bar and log appear below the button, like so:

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After the process is finished the progress bar will turn green and you'll see an image of a checkmark:

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When you see this, the process is complete and you can leave the page.

Possible situations with plugin output

Here are a few notes that you may want to know about the process in the second step.

Situation 1 – Let say that you selected pages (in your first step) and that means that plugin will pass through all your pages and will check each page to see if it's protected by DAP.

In our example, we see the output messages with the Status: “This page doesn't exits in DAP”.

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That means that the page is not protected by DAP and will be skipped.

Situation 2 – Tags already exist.

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That means that tags are already added to that page.

Maybe the tags were added manually before, or you are repeating this process for a second time.

In either case, you don't need to worry about it because the process will skip those items and continue as usual.

While we could have hidden these messages and shown only the content where tags got added, this way gives you more visibility by providing full logs of what the plugin did in the backend.

Will you provide support for this plugin?


Please feel free to leave your questions in the comments section of this post.

So if you have any questions or issues please come back to this post and leave a comment describing them (you can also upload screenshots in the comments).

We will provide email support at but using comments instead, everybody benefits from the conversation and explanations, including existing and potential customers. 🙂

It also fosters transparency which improves the direction of development by involving our entire community.


What are some use cases for Protect your Content from DAP to WP Fusion?

Use Case #1 – You are moving from DAP to WP Fusion

If you want to transfer your protected page with DAP to WP Fusion tags this might be a very useful plugin for you because it will do everything for you automatically as we described above 🙂

How can I download the Protect your content plugin?

We offer this plugin for sale for $7. If you'd like to purchase it please complete the checkout below.

You'll gain access after checkout.

Download the Migrate Content Protections From Digital Access Pass (DAP) to WP Fusion Plugin

Then go to your WordPress installation => Plugins => Add new => Upload and upload the zip file.

Activate the plugin.

Then you'll find a new link in your Settings submenu called WPF Protect Content.

The rest should be fairly intuitive.


Feature Requests and Support

If you have a feature request or would like to submit a support request just use the form below. ????

Leave your review!

Have you downloaded and tried our plugin? Leave your review here to help others 🙂 

Migrate Content Protections from DAP to WPFusion 300x200 - Migrate Content Protections From Digital Access Pass (DAP) to WP Fusion

Name: Protect content from DAP to WP Fusion

Description: This plugin creates tags in your CRM based on the names of your DAP memberships, and protects your content using WP Fusion based on those tags for you. This helps you migrate away from DAP and to WP Fusion (either by itself or in combination with another membership plugin like MemberPress).

Offer price: 7

Currency: USD

Application Category: WordPress Plugin

User Review
5 (2 votes)
Comments Rating 0 (0 reviews)
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